J’s Lunch Counter – Episode 17 Happy Hour (October 7, 2016)


pisode 17 Happy Hour is live to get you through the weekend, until the next Presidential Debate.  On the show today we catch up on a number of stories from the past week.   We begin with a discussion of the New York Times story published last weekend about Donald Trump’s taxes in 1995, and his potentially claiming $1 Billion in losses, and how he could have used the tax code to avoid paying taxes on $50 million for 18 years.  We discuss the implications of Donald Trump’s comments about his ability to avoid paying taxes, his surrogates calling him a ‘genius’ for not paying taxes, and how remarkable it is that working class voters identify with Trump.  We then discuss Trump’s recent comments about veterans who suffer from PTSD, what his comments demonstrate about his understanding about military service and his compassion for our military men and women.    We also look at Bill Clinton’s unnecessary comments about Obamacare being the craziest thing in the world, why his comments may have been valid,  but his approach was stupid and put the Clinton campaign at a risk when they were finally gaining a solid lead.   We also break down the Vice Presidential debate, the strengths of both Mike Pence and Tim Kaine, why Pence was trying to win the debate, and Kaine was trying to injure someone.   We also explore their very meaningful discussion about abortion as a demonstration of what a healthy political dialogue can look like, compared to their exchange on race relations and implicit bias, where Mike Pence came up woefully short.  On the mailbag, we discuss my thoughts on Lebron James’ endorsement of Hillary Clinton, the best political ad so far in this election cycle (HERE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaxNEzA3jRs) , my thoughts on Mary J. Blige’s upcoming interview of Hillary Clinton, and we discuss the meaning and some important examples of the “October Surprise”.



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